Say the words "planned giving" or "endowment" and most people think of well-established families making large gifts to hospitals or universities.
In fact, any non-profit benefits from a planned gift. Any gift, any size, is important to growing funds that will support future work and future generations.
Donors to Cedar Valley United Way make a commitment to help create a good life for everyone in our community. We are grateful for the impact made with these gifts.
Making a planned gift advances the common good by building strategic funds for the future. Planned gifts offer United Way the financial stability and flexibility to continue creating lasting solutions to our emerging health and human service needs, building a stronger, healthier community for generations to come.
We will be happy to meet with you to identify a giving method that will best meet your financial and philanthropic goals.
We look forward to being part of your legacy.
No organization is better positioned than the Cedar Valley United Way to address the most pressing issues facing our community. United Way brings together the people with the knowledge and resources needed to get things done.
United Way is strong, but we'll need bold new thinking and sustained support to get us where we need to be in the year 2025 and beyond - a vibrant future for the Cedar Valley - one in which our children are healthy from birth, graduate from high school ready for success and go on to find employment that leads to a lifetime of financial stability and good health.
Your gifts ensure United Way will have the ability to:
- Sustain programs that change lives
- React to any future crisis facing the Cedar Valley
- Provide a cushion for tough economic times
- Create a new initiative that will change the community
- Remain flexible and respond to changing community needs
A major gift today shows your commitment to improving life in the Cedar Valley. Remembering Cedar Valley United Way in your estate plans is a simple way to continue or develop your support of our mission after your lifetime.
The most common legacy gift is a bequest in your will or living trust. Other legacy gifts include:
- Cash or Pledge
- Securities
- Real Estate
- Retirement Plan Assets
- Life Insurance Policies
- Endow Iowa Tax Credit
- Charitable Gift Annuity or Remainder Trust
Your gift can provide you with current income tax benefits as well as estate tax savings. A gift can also honor a loved one or family member.
Become a Legacy Fund Founder by making a lifetime pledge of $25,000. All we require is a letter of intent and you can build your gift with as little as $100 to start with an annual increase.
For more information on how you can make sure the needs of our community are met for generations to come, click here or call 319-235-6211 x21
Letter of Intent - Fillable, fast and convenient. Email to debbie.roth@cvuw.org upon completion.
Legacy Gift Form - Fillable, fast and convenient. Email to debbie.roth@cvuw.org upon completion.