Strategic Investments


  • Must serve residents living within a 30-mile radius of Waterloo
  • Must maintain 501(c)(3) status, or if not a 501(c)3, must have a fiscal sponsor with this status
  • Must be governed or advised by a volunteer board and operate in accordance with bylaws
  • Must seek desired outcomes with measurable results in one of CVUW priority target areas below. Measurement protocols must be structured to collect information on clients, services provided, and outcomes in accordance with key indicators listed in the “Community Impact Strategies and Key Indicators” document on a bi-annual basis.
  • Programs whose participants are listed as a child or youth in the Waterloo or Cedar Falls School Districts must partner with SuccessLink for data collection.



  • Early Education:  Preschool children access high quality, early learning programs that prepare them for kindergarten, and K-3rd grade children read at proficiency levels
  • Afterschool and Summer Learning: Students access high quality, enriching out of school programs which are aligned with school day curriculum
  • Parents and Mentor Support:  Students have support and encouragement for educational success from engaged parents/advocates and mentors
  • College and Career Preparation:  Junior high and high school students access age-appropriate college and career preparation and graduate equipped with skills for success


  • Workforce Development: Low or no income individuals acquire the skills necessary to secure and retain self and/or family-sustaining employment
  • Achieving Financial Stability:  Low to moderate income individuals are empowered to move towards greater financial independence


  • Maternal Health and Infant Well-Being: Babies are born at low risk for preventable health problems
  • Access to Physical Healthcare: Expand the number of low- to moderate-income individuals and children that are insured and have access to physical, vision, and dental care, including prevention and early intervention
  • Access to Mental Healthcare: Expand the number of individuals and children that are insured and have access to mental care, including prevention and early intervention
  • Increase Healthy Behaviors: Promote healthy lifestyles through health information, education and programming
                Obesity: Focus on prevention and early intervention of adult and childhood obesity
                Substance Abuse: Decrease the use of illicit drugs and alcohol by adults and children
                Sexual Health: Youth and adults access age-appropriate sexual health education and services and reduce risky sexual behavior
                Family Violence, Child and Elder Abuse: Decrease the incidents of family violence, child abuse and elder abuse

Download the Strategic Investments Information in a Word document